[email protected] | 0333 5333 786

Terms of Use

This website is the property of Teal3. Realty and Asif Kola Realty. By using this website you agree that you consent to and are bound by the following terms and conditions:

Copyright and Trade Marks

The content of this website is © Asif Kola Realty. Reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than by the following permissions:

Licence to re-copy for Limited Purposes:

1) You acknowledge Asif Kola Realty as the source of the material. You must include such acknowledgement and the Asif Kola Realty web address (asifkola.com) in the copy of the material, and

2) You must inform the third party that all the Terms and Conditions set out herewith apply to him/her and that he/she is bound by them.

This license to re-copy does not permit incorporation of the material or any part of it in any other work, publication, or website whether in hard copy electronic or any other form. In particular (but without limitation) no part of Asif Kola Realty’s website, including but not limited, to photographs, property details, virtual tours and/or floorplans may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose. You may not frame this website without the express consent of Asif Kola Realty. The Asif Kola Realty logo is a trademark registered in the name of ASIF KOLA in the UK and other parts of the world. Reproduction of this trade mark other than to view this website is prohibited.


Asif Kola Realty takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate, however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we reserve the right to change the information on this website (including these terms and conditions) at any time. You must therefore check these terms and conditions for any such changes each time you visit this website.

Asif Kola Realty makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning this website or the content contained on it, including any text, graphics, advertisements, links or other items. Furthermore, neither Asif Kola Realty nor any other contributor to this website make any representation or gives any warranty, condition, undertaking or term either expressed or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, fitness for purpose, completeness or freedom from viruses of the content contained on this website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted or error-free. Nothing on this website shall be regarded or taken as financial advice.


The user confirms that the terms and conditions and use of this website shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and that any and all disputes arising therefrom shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Anti-Money Laundering

Asif Kola Realty & Teal3 Realty is committed to operating its business in a transparent and open manner consistent with our legal and regulatory obligations. We are aware that the real estate industry is a target for organised criminals seeking to launder the proceeds of criminal activity. We always seek to prevent this activity by cooperating fully with the authorities and reporting suspicious activity to National Crime Agency (NCA)

As part of this commitment, we adopt strict compliance with all applicable Anti Money Laundering rules, with specific emphasis on the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, the Bribery Act 2010 and the Terrorism Act 2000.

Asif Kola Realty’s policy commitment applies to all our customers, including vendors, buyers, landlords and tenants. As a result, we obtain and hold for at least five years evidence about our customers’ identity and, where appropriate, we obtain proof of ownership of property and source/ destination of funds. We will be unable to proceed with any work on behalf of our customers if we are unable to obtain this information. Customers’ identities will be subject to an electronic identity check, which may also include a credit check.

For a full list of acceptable identity documents –

Individual identity documents

We will require one document from List A and one recent document from List B dated within the past 3 months


  • Current signed passport
  • Valid UK driving licence
  • EEA member state identity card


  • Utility bill
  • Mortgage statement
  • Bank/building society statement
  • Valid UK driving licence (if not used for List A as ID)
  • State pension benefits book
  • Home or motor insurance certificate
  • Current local authority tax bill/tenancy agreement
  • Solicitors letter confirming house purchased/ land registration
  • NHS Medical card

Limited company

If you are acting as a representative of a UK Company we will also require the following:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Latest Annual Return or Confirmation Statement, with details of current company officers
  • If offshore, nominee director declaration and general power of attorney
  • Individual identity evidence from List A and B for all individuals or entities with 25% or more of the shares or voting rights in the company

Asif Kola Realty is registered and supervised by HM Revenue & Customs for compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.


We are a member of The Property Ombudsmen and aim to provide the highest standard of service to all our customers. In order to ensure that your interests are safeguarded, we have put into place a set process by which any raised complaints are handled; this allows us to handle any issues or concerns effectively and wherever possible, as soon as they are raised.

You may find below our guidance for making a complaint in relation to:

  • Estate Agency
  • Residential Lettings & Property Management


Stage One – Sales or Lettings Manager

All complaints should, in the first instance, be directed to Asif Kola. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as soon as possible, otherwise no later than five working days from when they received notification of the issue.

Stage Two – Director

If you remain dissatisfied and wish to further escalate your complaint, you may write to the finance director via [email protected]. Your letter will be acknowledged within three working days of receipt and a full review of your complaint will be undertaken, including how it has been handled to date, which may include further investigations into the background of your concerns. Within fifteen working days, the director will detail their findings and recommendations in a written response to you, to confirm our ‘final viewpoint’ on the matter.

Stage Three – The Property Ombudsmen

After you have received our final viewpoint letter, if you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, you may approach The Property Ombudsmen (TPOS)  Details of how to do this are contained within the final viewpoint letter alongside a link to The Property Ombudsmen (TPOS) consumer guide at www.tpos.co.uk

Please note that if you do wish to contact The Property Ombudsmen (TPOS), you must do so within 12 months of the date of the final viewpoint letter. It is also important to note that The The Property Ombudsmen (TPOS)  will not consider your complaint until our internal complaints procedure has been exhausted.

Welcome to Asif Kola Realty’s website, which is the property of Teal3. Realty and Asif Kola Realty. By using this website, you agree to and are bound by the following terms and conditions:

Copyright and Trade Marks:

The content of this website is © Asif Kola Realty. Any reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited, other than by the following permissions:

Licence to re-copy for Limited Purposes:

You acknowledge Asif Kola Realty as the source of the material. You must include such acknowledgement and the Asif Kola Realty web address (asifkola.com) in the copy of the material, and

You must inform the third party that all the terms and conditions set out herein apply to them and that they are bound by them.

This license to re-copy does not permit the incorporation of the material or any part of it in any other work, publication, or website, whether in hard copy, electronic, or any other form. In particular, no part of Asif Kola Realty’s website, including, but not limited to, photographs, property details, virtual tours, and/or floor plans, may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose. You may not frame this website without the express consent of Asif Kola Realty. The Asif Kola Realty logo is a trademark registered in the name of ASIF KOLA in the UK and other parts of the world. Reproduction of this trademark, other than to view this website, is prohibited.


Asif Kola Realty takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, and we reserve the right to change the information on this website, including these terms and conditions, at any time. You must check these terms and conditions for any such changes each time you visit this website.

Asif Kola Realty makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning this website or the content contained on it, including any text, graphics, advertisements, links, or other items. Furthermore, neither Asif Kola Realty nor any other contributor to this website makes any representation or gives any warranty, condition, undertaking, or term either expressed or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, fitness for purpose, completeness, or freedom from viruses of the content contained on this website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted, or error-free. Nothing on this website shall be regarded or taken as financial advice.


By using this website, you confirm that the terms and conditions and use of this website shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, and that any and all disputes arising therefrom shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Anti-Money Laundering:

Asif Kola Realty & Teal3 Realty is committed to operating its business in a transparent and open manner consistent with our legal and regulatory obligations. We are aware that the real estate industry is a target for organized criminals seeking to launder the proceeds of criminal activity. We always seek to prevent this activity by cooperating fully with the authorities and reporting suspicious activity to National Crime Agency (NCA).

As part of this commitment, we adopt strict compliance with all applicable Anti-Money Laundering rules, with specific emphasis on the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, the Bribery Act 2010, and the Terrorism Act 2000.

Asif Kola Realty’s policy commitment applies to all our customers, including vendors, buyers, landlords, and tenants. As a result, we obtain and hold for at least five years evidence about our customers’ identity.

For a full list of acceptable identity documents –

Individual identity documents

We will require one document from List A and one recent document from List B dated within the past 3 months


  • Current signed passport
  • Valid UK driving licence
  • EEA member state identity card


  • Utility bill
  • Mortgage statement
  • Bank/building society statement
  • Valid UK driving licence (if not used for List A as ID)
  • State pension benefits book
  • Home or motor insurance certificate
  • Current local authority tax bill/tenancy agreement
  • Solicitors letter confirming house purchased/ land registration
  • NHS Medical card

Limited company

If you are acting as a representative of a UK Company we will also require the following:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Latest Annual Return or Confirmation Statement, with details of current company officers
  • If offshore, nominee director declaration and general power of attorney
  • Individual identity evidence from List A and B for all individuals or entities with 25% or more of the shares or voting rights in the company

Asif Kola Realty is registered and supervised by HM Revenue & Customs for compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.

Customer Complaints:

If customers have any complaints, they should follow the customer complaints procedure, which has three stages. In the first instance, all complaints should be directed to Asif Kola Realty. The company aims to resolve the complaint as soon as possible, but no later than five working days from when notification of the issue was received.

If the customer remains dissatisfied and wishes to escalate the complaint further, they may write to the finance director via [email protected]. The letter will be acknowledged within three working days of receipt, and a full review of the complaint will be undertaken, including any further investigations into the background of the concerns. Within 15 working days, the director will detail their findings and recommendations in a written response to the customer to confirm Asif Kola Realty’s ‘final viewpoint’ on the matter.

If the customer is still not satisfied with the proposed resolution, they may approach The Property Ombudsman (TPO) after receiving the final viewpoint letter. Details on how to do this are contained within the final viewpoint letter, alongside a link to the TPO consumer guide at www.tpos.co.uk. It is important to note that the customer must contact TPO within 12 months of the date of the final viewpoint letter, and TPO will not consider the complaint until Asif Kola Realty’s internal complaints procedure has been exhausted.